Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Wars In Our Neighborhood

Nevermind the war in Iraq, we've got full scale wars being planned and developed in our own neighborhoods.

I don't care where you live, you've got them. People full of negative energy who are using it to create chaos and disruption.

Ladies, it's time we stopped it.

What got me stirred up was when I read about a "free militia" organization about 2 hours from my home that was just caught creating plans to confront and mow down some Mexicans with machine guns. They were fully armed and had thousands of pounds of grenades and weapons.

What in the world?? Are they crazy?

This sort of thing comes from fear. Unless we get women in positions of economic influence, I'm afraid this sort of thing will keep going on. The reason we need more women in powerful positions is that women tend to connect and talk when confronted with problems, rather than resort to physical solutions. It's the gentler way. That's why at WomenCorp we're dedicated to helping women become financially independent.

These militia groups only form because of fear, often caused by poverty. Jealousy is the offspring of people in need. But rather than see it as a problem of poverty, they find something else to blame. Namely people.

I don't want to live with hate and violence. I don't want to fear for my children's lives. Do you?

Please join me in helping women. If you see a woman who could use your help to step up the ladder out of poverty, please consider extending a helping hand.

The world will be a better place for it.

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