Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Are You This Spunky?

You gotta admire this...

A 75 year old black woman, Barbara Hillary, who is also a cancer survivor trekked all the way to the North Pole in mind and body numbing tempereatures with polar bears and shifting ice just to make it interesting.

From what I've read about her, she did it "Just Because!"

What's your "Just Because"?

Is there something you've always wanted to do but haven't found time, money or courage to do it?

We all find it easy to invent reasons not to pursue our dreams, especially as busy business women. But the risk is becoming a drone, just working day after day, with no fun and enthusiasm for life.

So, I'm here to challenge you.

If you have ever been around an older friend, parent or grandparent who yearns for the days when they could do more than just sit in a chair and think, you know how sad it is to hear them
say "I wish I had."

Don't let yourself end up in a rocker one day wishing you had.

Get out there and do whatever it is that challenges you, but also makes your heart sing. Find the time for your own personal development and I believe you'll find yourself waking to the possibilities still to come. You'll also improve other aspects of your life from reinvigorating yourself...even your business life.

From voice lessons to getting an image consultant to learning how to play the guitar or hiking just to the top of the ridge near your home, seize the opportunity to learn or do something new.

It could just be the kickstart you need to become a new and more fun you.

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