Saturday, November 25, 2006

Women In Congress

Finally, a woman House Speaker.

Nancy Pelosi became the first women House Speaker in history on Thursday. Of course she still has to await the vote by the full house on January 4th when Congress opens, but she has made history.

This is major news, that a House full of men voted for a woman. It warms the heart.

Now, let’s see what it bodes for the future of America.

Pelosi is known for her ability to take groups of people and help them bond into a unified force from her days as a minority leader. She can do a great deal of good if she can pull people together so they begin to develop policies that truly are in the best interest of the nation.

Of course, those who are hardened to politics may be watching for her to fall. Many a male politician who has achieved this much power has let their ego override the good of the people. I pray that she will show Americans just how much good a woman in the House can do!

As Rep. David Obey of Wisconsin said, "She's gutsy as hell and she's willing to take a chance."Stay tuned and see what happens when a woman takes the lead in politics.

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