Friday, August 18, 2006

Wolf Whistles and The Woman In Business

Are women in business still feeling harrassed in the workplace? Is harrassment in the workplace the same as a guy who whistles at you on the street?

Today I actually got whistled at while walking down the street. It made me start thinking about whether I considered it harrassment or just plain funny.

Use to be I was flustered when a trucker or construction worker showed this kind of attention. Today, I had an interesting combination of feelings.

1. I'm 51 and still getting whistled at...hehe.
2. Yuck!

Does that prove I've gone soft after 26 years as a business woman? I don't think so but it does proven one thing. I've toughened up. When I was 25 I didn't like it a bit. Today I didn't care.

After years of experience as a woman in business I've dealt with harrassment in different forms. It was unwarrented, unwanted and unworthy of my attention, but it still felt embarassing and I would carry it with me all day.

Now I can laugh. Is that because I've become a tough, hardened woman in business or is it because I don't let things like that bother me anymore?

This made me curious. After we're exposed to all forms of harrassment for years in a row do we become immune or does it have something to do with confidence and self esteem?

What do you think? If you've got a second, please answer my anonymous survey. I'll publish the results at a later date. Thanks for your participation in advance.

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