Tuesday, August 22, 2006

How Woman Entrepreneurs Who Want More Get More

If you read the papers, magazines or any articles about corporate America, you'll notice a lot of companies are laying off employees. And I don't mean just those who were mediocre workers. Anybody could get the axe.

I know. Some of my best friends who were high powered corporate women eecutives have experienced layoff. It is the downsizing of corporate American. And business women are not just leaving, but they are getting ahead by starting their own business. After all, why not? In this internet age, small women entrepreneurs can compete very successfully with the big guys.

But what is the real effect for business women? Is it dismal, lean times? Or...do they take the opportunity to re-evaluate their lives and create a whole new opportunity to follow their dreams.

Last year I met a guy who's new wife of 4 months quit her $200k a year job because they got married and she didn't want to travel anymore. So, she got with it and started her own homebased business, in the basement.

How many business women do you know that transitioned from corporate America to making $1.2 million in her first year? That's what happened to this guy's wife. She started with something she knew...buying wedding favors online, and started her own company to sell them. Now she's one of the biggest online vendors.

It could happen to you too.

But first, you have to have the desire to leap. Then you have to have the willingness to sit down and figure out what you really enjoy and plan exactly how you're going to make money.

This business woman took it further. She also hired an SEO expert (search engine optimization) to help her with the website. She also had overhead that could expand and contract with her business, rather than having a lot of fixed cost. For example, hiring virtual assistants means you only pay when you need them.

She delegated much of the work and concentrated on the part that she did best. Result, her first year she brought in $1.2 million. Second year looks something like $7 million. Just think where she'd be if she hadn't taken that leap.

If you're considering leaving the corporate world and starting your own, you might want to visit How To Get Business and learn more about how to grow your business.

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