Saturday, November 25, 2006

Women In Congress

Finally, a woman House Speaker.

Nancy Pelosi became the first women House Speaker in history on Thursday. Of course she still has to await the vote by the full house on January 4th when Congress opens, but she has made history.

This is major news, that a House full of men voted for a woman. It warms the heart.

Now, let’s see what it bodes for the future of America.

Pelosi is known for her ability to take groups of people and help them bond into a unified force from her days as a minority leader. She can do a great deal of good if she can pull people together so they begin to develop policies that truly are in the best interest of the nation.

Of course, those who are hardened to politics may be watching for her to fall. Many a male politician who has achieved this much power has let their ego override the good of the people. I pray that she will show Americans just how much good a woman in the House can do!

As Rep. David Obey of Wisconsin said, "She's gutsy as hell and she's willing to take a chance."Stay tuned and see what happens when a woman takes the lead in politics.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Powerful Women CEO Networks

The power of women CEO networks came home to me recently.

Talk about the good old boys club, they don't have anything on this good 'ol girls club, and it's extraordinarily powerful when put in action. At the WomenCorp website, women executives are asked to nominate women friendly companies for commendation from WomenCorp.

Interestingly, I noticed that a few women led companies got a lot of recommendations. The networks are out in force. Using their networks to spread the word and have their clients recommend them is smart marketing.

Research has proven that women are either the primary buyer or influence the majority of purchases for the home and business. Yet, women executives and customers still get treated with less respect sometimes than men.

It is interesting to note that businesses that make an effort to train their people to be respectful, efficient (because women are busy!!) and helpful to women are seeing an exponential growth in their business.

By recognizing these companies that do a good job of helping women succeed as employees and/or buyers we are spreading the word that this kind of attitude is not just good business, but profitable business.

See our survey at .

Mark my words, this is a new generation of CEOs who know how to network. And good networking means good business!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Women Who Give Away Their Power In Elections

Let's talk about the time that women got the right to vote.

It wasn't that long ago that women were fighting for the right just be able to have their say in the elections. Now it's a fight just to get women to vote. They are staying away in droves.

I think it's because they no longer know who to believe. We've all been inundated with negative messages, unscrupulous politicians and ineffective leaders. Why? Because we allow it.

Those of us described as moderates (which is the majority I might add!) don't have a voice anymore. It is because only those who have strong opinions and are willing to make bold statements get their opinions heard. It has become too difficult, too time consuming and too deflating for good, honest people to run for election. It has become a fight, and so those who are moderate simply don't choose to fight. I believe this describes most women.

As a result, the campaigns are totally negative. No longer do you hear what the political candidate is really for. Instead, you hear what's wrong with the other guy.

Let's face it. You can take the words and actions of anyone, twist them just a hair and make them out to be Godzilla. As a result, good solid women of leadership are choosing to stay out of it and that is a shame.

If women are going to change the world, we're going to have to talk, create strength by banding together, and make our voices heard as one. We're also going to have to get behind women who can lead and help them get elected.

I don't know about you but I am tired of negative leadership. I want leaders that we can admire, truly care about us, and are trying to make a positive difference. Women have gifts of compassion, caring and intuition that can help them make a difference IF they make their voices heard.

It is my hope that more women decide to lead and/or decide to promote women as leaders.

Please vote. Please run for office. It is your time.

For more articles, teleseminars and information about women leaders go to WomenCorp