Thursday, December 21, 2006
Spread The News About Great Women-Friendly Companies
We are trying to recognize companies that have done a great job of helping women as customers and as employees. We put out a survey and got quite a few responses.
This company took the prize for this month. And we can see why!
FranNet is a company that is on the move helping men and women entrepreneurs find just the right franchise business. With consultants around the US, they have grown extremely fast and women are enabled to succeed as both clients and employees with their consulting program.
As one person put it " I have worked for FranNet for over three years and have been promoted within the company to an equal level with male VP's, as a Director myself, within the organization. A woman was appointed as our President/COO in August, which was a first in our industry, long dominated by male leaders."
Another reader said "FranNet! Because it is one where women are both welcomed and where they do extremely well. "
I think that's great that they give women an opportunity to find the perfect business and also give women a way to act as consultants to help others. It's especially nice to see that a woman heads this up.
Congratulations go to FranNet and President Jania Bailey on a job well done!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
How rocks can change your life
This story is about just how busy we think we are and what we can do about it. Because one of the most common complaints I'm hearing from business women is that they are just "too busy". They are tired of being tired.
The story of the 3 rocks is based on a science experiment.
Get a 3 cup jar and pour 1 1/2 cups of sand in it, then 1 cup of gravel then 3 nice size rocks, then 1/2 cup of water. Can't get it all in very well can you? Because the sand and gravel takes up all the room.
Instead, put the large rocks in first. Then put the gravel in. Then add the sand. Then add the water. It's amazing, but it all fits.
The moral is to figure out what the rocks are in your life. Those are the things most important to you.
Put them first, then add the "gravel" which is the secondary things, then add the sand and water which are the little things. You'll find that the little things take care of themselves and if they don't you haven't missed much. But if you leave out the big things, you will miss most of the things that are most important in your life.
Do it today. Write down your rocks, then your gravel, then the sand. See what happens when you put the right things first.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Women In Congress
Nancy Pelosi became the first women House Speaker in history on Thursday. Of course she still has to await the vote by the full house on January 4th when Congress opens, but she has made history.
This is major news, that a House full of men voted for a woman. It warms the heart.
Now, let’s see what it bodes for the future of America.
Pelosi is known for her ability to take groups of people and help them bond into a unified force from her days as a minority leader. She can do a great deal of good if she can pull people together so they begin to develop policies that truly are in the best interest of the nation.
Of course, those who are hardened to politics may be watching for her to fall. Many a male politician who has achieved this much power has let their ego override the good of the people. I pray that she will show Americans just how much good a woman in the House can do!
As Rep. David Obey of Wisconsin said, "She's gutsy as hell and she's willing to take a chance."Stay tuned and see what happens when a woman takes the lead in politics.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Powerful Women CEO Networks
The power of women CEO networks came home to me recently.
Talk about the good old boys club, they don't have anything on this good 'ol girls club, and it's extraordinarily powerful when put in action. At the WomenCorp website, women executives are asked to nominate women friendly companies for commendation from WomenCorp.
Interestingly, I noticed that a few women led companies got a lot of recommendations. The networks are out in force. Using their networks to spread the word and have their clients recommend them is smart marketing.
Research has proven that women are either the primary buyer or influence the majority of purchases for the home and business. Yet, women executives and customers still get treated with less respect sometimes than men.
It is interesting to note that businesses that make an effort to train their people to be respectful, efficient (because women are busy!!) and helpful to women are seeing an exponential growth in their business.
By recognizing these companies that do a good job of helping women succeed as employees and/or buyers we are spreading the word that this kind of attitude is not just good business, but profitable business.
See our survey at .
Mark my words, this is a new generation of CEOs who know how to network. And good networking means good business!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Women Who Give Away Their Power In Elections
Let's talk about the time that women got the right to vote.
It wasn't that long ago that women were fighting for the right just be able to have their say in the elections. Now it's a fight just to get women to vote. They are staying away in droves.
I think it's because they no longer know who to believe. We've all been inundated with negative messages, unscrupulous politicians and ineffective leaders. Why? Because we allow it.
Those of us described as moderates (which is the majority I might add!) don't have a voice anymore. It is because only those who have strong opinions and are willing to make bold statements get their opinions heard. It has become too difficult, too time consuming and too deflating for good, honest people to run for election. It has become a fight, and so those who are moderate simply don't choose to fight. I believe this describes most women.
As a result, the campaigns are totally negative. No longer do you hear what the political candidate is really for. Instead, you hear what's wrong with the other guy.
Let's face it. You can take the words and actions of anyone, twist them just a hair and make them out to be Godzilla. As a result, good solid women of leadership are choosing to stay out of it and that is a shame.
If women are going to change the world, we're going to have to talk, create strength by banding together, and make our voices heard as one. We're also going to have to get behind women who can lead and help them get elected.
I don't know about you but I am tired of negative leadership. I want leaders that we can admire, truly care about us, and are trying to make a positive difference. Women have gifts of compassion, caring and intuition that can help them make a difference IF they make their voices heard.
It is my hope that more women decide to lead and/or decide to promote women as leaders.
Please vote. Please run for office. It is your time.
For more articles, teleseminars and information about women leaders go to WomenCorp
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Corporate Boards and The Business Woman
I had the opportunity to attend a seminar for business women on how to attain a position on the board of a corporation. I've been on boards before and have even chaired a couple, but the speakers revealed some new angles I hadn't thought about.
One was the fact that boards become "good 'ol boys networks" simply because when asked, they share names of those people they already know have served well on boards. After all, you want someone who has been recommended right?
Recommendation? Volunteer on committees and get known! This builds not only your network but your opportunities for referrals and recommendations.
Another new thought to me was that once women attain a seat at the corporate table, they must remember that they are there first as a board member who just happens to be female. Not the other way around. Because if you behave as though you are different it will be hard to blend in and be one of them.
I think we all know the person who goes into life with a chip on their shoulder and we know it holds them back. Maybe ours isn't a chip, but more like a little negative energy that keeps people from getting close enough to know and like you. Give them a chance to know the real & wonderful you.
The third was that men and women interact differently. I guess I knew this but I didn't think about it in the corporate don't make a lot of eye contact when talking or listening to you. Women do. Therefore, it's quite common for women to assume the men are ignoring them or aren't listening just because they are not looking directly at you.
So instead of getting our feathers ruffled because we're ignored, maybe we should look at it as though we're being treated just like one of the guys! Be professional and move ahead with enthusiasm, understanding that men are who they are and no different in the board room than the den at home!
The last was a quote from Gaundi who said "seek first to understand, then to be understood". Wise words for a would-be board member AND for the woman who wants to get ahead in the corporate world where men still dominate.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Women Executives Take Control!
Don't get me wrong. I love men and enjoy working with them. But some have gotten out of hand and we're letting them rule the world.
Here's the truth...
Until women decide to take their power and use it we're stuck with leaders who act like little boys, threatening each other by throwing rocks... Or nuclear missiles. What's the difference? To them it's just same old bullying tactics they always use to resolve issues.
According to Tom Powers research, we women either make the decisions or significantly influence the purchasing decisions of 60-98% of most goods and services. That means we control the money. That is power ladies! Yet we often don't believe we have power. Many of us have a natural tendency to want to serve rather than lead. It seems, right?
Whatever the cause of our letting men rule the world, we've got to solve it and put women in as leaders. And I don't mean just 13% of us, as it is now. I mean the majority of leaders need to be women. We need more confident women executives who lead corporations and have influence.
Money = power. If you don't believe, look at those in power and you'll always find they have money behind them.
Do something today. Do whatever you can to help a woman start her own business or rise up the ladder of the corporation. Let's get women making more money and in higher positions of authority. Let's get women taking over the world. I believe a kinder, gentler world will result.
For more articles and information especially for women executives go to WomenCorp
Monday, October 09, 2006
Strong Women In Business
Boston Legal is amusing to me because it pokes fun continuously on our prejudices, our human frailties and continuous blundering through life.
In particular, I love Shirley Schmidt. Shirley is the ideal woman. Intelligent, beautiful, sometimes full of doubt, yet has the inner courage to pursue her dreams. Tell me what woman doesn't want to be this person?
It's a human need to want to be loved. It's a human reaction to have ego and be tough. What I love is that the characters demonstrate how the package works so well together. It represents us all who try so hard to cover up our fears.
But the best statement I heard of the evening was when a guy who was trying to romance Shirley, the top notch lawyer, but was the opposing council said "tell me you're not that good"
and she said....
"I wish I weren't!" (ha!)
Have confidence. Enjoy life. Enjoy living. Business women CAN have it all!
For women...Check out the ASK PATTY advice for women about cars at
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Love This Expert Site For Women
What I'm bursting at the seams about is that we just added a new woman automotive expert who has joined us with her "Ask Patty" column.
It's taken me a year to build the site because quality was paramount, but budget was reality. It's finally coming together and I'm so pleased that a woman of "Ask Patty" caliber agreed to be one of our experts. My goal has been to offer advice and training of real value to real women in business. And now we're doing it!
Why an automotive expert for women in business? (or any women for that matter)
You know how we women find it frustrating sometimes to talk to a guy about fixing our car? Especially when we're busy, successful, intelligent but they make us feel like we're nuts?
It's like with me...
when I go to tell the mechanic about a continuous problem that happens everytime I drive more than 60 miles, sure enough it doesn't do it when he's looking. And sometimes, he looks at me kind of funny like I don't know what I'm talking about.
I DO KNOW an engine light when I see it!
Well the truth is, it would be MUCH easier to communicate with a woman who's like me but happens to know something about cars. Not just advice about repairing cars, but buying cars. Not just buying cars, but maybe even showing me how to get into the auto industry and make some real money, too, if I'm looking at changing careers.
THAT is why I'm excited.
Real women with real expertise who can help other real women looking for advice.
That's what our new automotive expert is all about and I'm certainly pleased to have her on board WomenCorp.
If you haven't seen our new expert, ASK PATTY at WomenCorp, check it out right now. Trust me, you'll love her informative, interesting and down to earth advice for women.
Friday, September 08, 2006
What's The Buzz About Women Business Owners?
BUT, business women are now starting to get recognition as serious contenders in the race for starting up businesses....and they are winning. More than half of new business is started by a woman business owner. I think I know why...
Business women are tired of having to be in charge at home and at work, while having no say in the hours they work. I believe more women in business are saying "hey, I can do this myself!"
Instead of working on someone else's schedule, women are deciding to work on their own schedule. I, for one, say "hooray!" It's time that corporations start allowing more flexibility in work schedules for business women or ... as one of my women executive friends said "they'll end up with only middle ages, mediocre, white males running the show. That's because talent is fleeing from the corporation anyway. Top that with talented women fleeing at twice the rate of talented men and you've got the makings of a company in trouble.
That's my take on the current situation with business women at least...what's yours?
Sunday, August 27, 2006
How Women In Business Pursue Lives of Passion and Purpose
You're beginning to come to grips with the reality for many women in business. You're not having fun. In fact, it's pure drudgery. You've worked hard to get where you are as a business woman and yet it doesn't seem satisfying anymore.
It's a common problem many women in business have. We reach a certain age where we're tired of just working to get ahead and we want more purpose and passion in our lives.
If that decribes you, there is a way to change that picture. But you have to be willing to take action.
Most of us don't really know our purpose in life, but we want to find it.
The only way to find it is to experiment. Join a new organization. Join a church. Go to meetings that help you explore your spiritual gifts. OR...just go do something good for someone.
That's right. Volunteer!
We all have gifts and talents. The key is to marry your talent with something you enjoy doing with something you think is worthwhile...something that will make a difference in the world in some small way.
For example, if you are a marketing executive you know that you could help a non-profit raise funds because you have the talent. However, that may not be something that really gives you joy. It's what you do for a living, but it's not what gives you great happiness.
I believe to live a life of purpose and passion you must find the way to blend those gifts and talents with something that accomplishes a great purpose and gives you joy at the same time. After all, if it's not fun, you won't do it long.
My greatest joy comes from entertaining in my home. I love having people over and getting to know new people. So, I created my own version of a fundraiser that invited women to my home for dinner. I asked those women to invite business women friends. We all contributed food and drink and $25 toward a fundraiser and we all had a great time.
What was the fundraiser? To contribute money for working women who are too poor to raise the deposit money required to get into their own home.
It never occurred to me until I participated in "adopt a family" for Christmas that the greatest problem many working women who are poor have is they can't raise the funds to put down triple rent. If they have no credit or poor credit they are often required to put down a deposit, pay the last months rent plus current rent. For a $500 apartment that's $1500. How's a woman who makes $1000 a month going to do that? Then there is the phone, the power, the water, etc.
When I learned the problem, I was able to create a solution.
That's why I say...just start by volunteering. Take action and you'll find the problems you can help solve.
Then combine your gifts to create a solution that gives you joy, passion and purpose.
God bless. Have a great day.
If you want to get more information, articles or ideas for women in business go to WomenCorp.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
How Woman Entrepreneurs Who Want More Get More
I know. Some of my best friends who were high powered corporate women eecutives have experienced layoff. It is the downsizing of corporate American. And business women are not just leaving, but they are getting ahead by starting their own business. After all, why not? In this internet age, small women entrepreneurs can compete very successfully with the big guys.
But what is the real effect for business women? Is it dismal, lean times? they take the opportunity to re-evaluate their lives and create a whole new opportunity to follow their dreams.
Last year I met a guy who's new wife of 4 months quit her $200k a year job because they got married and she didn't want to travel anymore. So, she got with it and started her own homebased business, in the basement.
How many business women do you know that transitioned from corporate America to making $1.2 million in her first year? That's what happened to this guy's wife. She started with something she knew...buying wedding favors online, and started her own company to sell them. Now she's one of the biggest online vendors.
It could happen to you too.
But first, you have to have the desire to leap. Then you have to have the willingness to sit down and figure out what you really enjoy and plan exactly how you're going to make money.
This business woman took it further. She also hired an SEO expert (search engine optimization) to help her with the website. She also had overhead that could expand and contract with her business, rather than having a lot of fixed cost. For example, hiring virtual assistants means you only pay when you need them.
She delegated much of the work and concentrated on the part that she did best. Result, her first year she brought in $1.2 million. Second year looks something like $7 million. Just think where she'd be if she hadn't taken that leap.
If you're considering leaving the corporate world and starting your own, you might want to visit How To Get Business and learn more about how to grow your business.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Wolf Whistles and The Woman In Business
Today I actually got whistled at while walking down the street. It made me start thinking about whether I considered it harrassment or just plain funny.
Use to be I was flustered when a trucker or construction worker showed this kind of attention. Today, I had an interesting combination of feelings.
1. I'm 51 and still getting whistled at...hehe.
2. Yuck!
Does that prove I've gone soft after 26 years as a business woman? I don't think so but it does proven one thing. I've toughened up. When I was 25 I didn't like it a bit. Today I didn't care.
After years of experience as a woman in business I've dealt with harrassment in different forms. It was unwarrented, unwanted and unworthy of my attention, but it still felt embarassing and I would carry it with me all day.
Now I can laugh. Is that because I've become a tough, hardened woman in business or is it because I don't let things like that bother me anymore?
This made me curious. After we're exposed to all forms of harrassment for years in a row do we become immune or does it have something to do with confidence and self esteem?
What do you think? If you've got a second, please answer my anonymous survey. I'll publish the results at a later date. Thanks for your participation in advance.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Recovery Guide For Burned Out Business Women
We're the generation that was taught to over-achieve, particularly business women. And like most women in business who are in their late 40s to late 50s, you may be feeling burnout syndrome caused by overworking, over-stressing, and under-relaxing.
Stop it...just RELAX!
But, I can hear you now. Are you kidding? How can I relax when I've got the freakin' company business to take care of PLUS my family who needs me? (am I close?)
I feel your pressure. But it's time we pay attention to what scientist have identified as the major obstacle to success for women in business. That is, we work too hard and when we do we actually set ourselves up to fail. That's because our minds and hearts just shut down.
According to Ulrich Kraft, in the Scientific American Mind, July 2006 issue “It tends to hit the best employees, those with enthusiasm who accept responsibility readily.”
They actually documented the process.
1. compulsion to prove oneself
2. working harder to meet their own personal expectations
3. neglecting their needs
4. displacement of conflicts (you're so frustrated you want to blame everyone)
5. revising your values so socialization, hobbies, friends are completely dismissed.
After all....we're just too busy!
Mr. Kraft goes on to say that if taken too far it ends in depression and inability to work at all.
If you recognize you in this description, take this advice to heart. Relaxing helps you stay heathier, happier and refreshes your brain so that you can actually create ideas and solutions for your business even faster. You'll accomplish more with less effort.
You're not really living if your nose is to the grindstone all the time or you're running around to drop off kids here there and yonder. So you need to begin to participate in your own life by slowing down enough to enjoy it.
It takes practice but it can be done. If you find it hard to resist working then go away, literally. Work through lunch if you like, but then book the spa treatment at 3:00 and don't go back to work. Go away to a resort, the lakehouse or mountain cabin on Friday afternoon. Do whatever it takes to find a way to give up the taskmaster ways and relax.
Remember, the life and business you save may just be your own.
For more ideas, coaching and strategies go to WomenCorp
Friday, August 11, 2006
The Art of Negotiation for Women in Business
My first real experience with negotiation was when I was hired to be the first female financial consultant in the local office of a major investment house 20 years ago.
The structure for this Fortune 500 company was to offer training and salary for two years, but if the financial consultant brought in business beyond the salary, they were awarded bonuses. So, there was an opportunity to make more, much more.
I was taken by surprise when they asked me what salary I required. I assumed it was set for everyone. The risk was that if I set it too high and didn't succeed pretty soon in covering it, the possibility of them letting me go increased. I let it intimidate me.
I was so naive, I set the salary low so as to avoid the risk. In retrospect, so what if I didn't achieve it? At least I would have gotten paid a decent wage while learning whether I could succeed in the business. Instead, I suffered from "low wage-itis" for six months.
Later, I learned that I had set the salary at exactly 1/2 of what the men asked. Fortunately for me, I not only met my salary but exceeded it many times.
What's interesting is that I've heard this same kind of story from many women who went on to earn six figures once they learned how to negotiate. In Secrets of Six Figure Women the author interviewed many women who had done the same thing as I but learned from experience.
This begs the question....why? Is there some reason men instinctively understand how to negotiate and women don't? Or is it that we don't value ourselves highly enough? Is it cultural or social upbringing that causes this? What causes some of us to feel as if we are worth less?
Perhaps we don't know how to value ourselves.
Terry Dockery, noted Organizational Psychologist, says "Negotiation is a classic example of the self-fulfilling prophecy. The starting point for negotiation skills is the person's sense of self worth--people essentially negotiate an agreement that reflects what they believe they deserve."
Regardless of the reasons though, women need to learn to put a fair value on their work or they will never match the income levels of men.
Next time you have to negotiate for dollars, try doing what the men do. Name a figure above your real target to begin negotiations. You just might get what you asked for!
Get more tips, advice, coaching and mentoring at WomenCorp